How to Write an Awesome Blog Posts in [Top 10 Steps]

Hello Friends You are running your blog very well I am very happy that now there is a lot of competition in blogging. From Today blogging started earlier than 1 or 2 years ago they got some success today and there is still something to be success.

The biggest secret behind the recovery of those people is that few people in that time blogging will get 100 posts in one each on one subject. One thing people can never understand when people do not write a new content it will be difficult to say when someone's posting becomes a habit of writing. Such people are a request from me.

Just changing someone's post to write will just tell you what the topic is on the internet you do not write it. There are so many topics. so you can blogging on good topics.

In today's topic I'm going to tell you guys blogs are so easy to write for people. Like your notebook is writing poetry for girlfriends oh I think people will too not able to write quotes it well. Leave today I will tell you the same tips on how to write good content on the blog.

Writing a blog is not as difficult as it is to write a post. For those who do forget the SEO the most important is equal to closing the forward path. In this post you may post will be very important to you.

##1 What to Write in Blog Content : Before you write any post you know what you write or what you want to explain to the people by your article. Before writing any post think about it do a lot of research then think about writing content.

If you are a new blogger then write it in any notebook before writing any post. This will make it easier for you to write a post.

##2  Format the Post : Write your post by formatting your post first of all write the introduction paragraph in which your target keyword must include the keyword. From now on you have written in the imperative post what is inside this post, i.e. write such a title research so that users can understand your post title.

##3  Use Sub Heading on Blog Post : Yes you must use subheading in your blog post. One more thing that you can give to everybody use 2 and 3 to correct the problem properly.

One thing I noticed was that people submitting H1 to their blog posts while they are known for the title H1. So you have to give H1 only in the title. Yes you must use bold or italic within the post.

##4 Write your Post in Short Paragraph :  I have seen many bloggers when they start writing a post they keep typing till the last. You should think of one thing how a man can read a post from a line.

Share your post in small paragraph. I.e. writing posts from Sub-Heading H2 and H3. At least you wrote 5-6 pre-written post which should contain at least 400-500 Word posts. Paragraph can be bigger or smaller just by breaking the post in your own way.

##5  Many bloggers make a mistake in Ads Placement : Where the mind starts the user can put ads. A few days ago some days ago link AIDS size was too big. For this I removed the link ads. That is advertising like that your visitors should not have any problem in reading posts from that advertisement.

##6  Why should you read the whole post again after writing a post : This is the biggest common factor once you've written the entire post read your post better than yourself. With this you will get the benefit directly you can find the post that is the mistake and find it right.

##7  Write User Friendly Post : Hardly any blogger not to be serious about this but it is very quite important. We write a post for you saying very much you did not read the same post then no work was done.

 ##8  Write Full Post : I have seen a lot of new bloggers they do not even write the post half incomplete and they publish it. After you finish your post then think about publishing it on blog. Because you new to blog. If you do not provide full information then no visitor will stop at your site.

##9  Blog Thumbnail is Most Important :  Photos are all taken no one knows how to properly put a photo on blog post.

1. Make at least 1 photo of it. It is a matter of great benefit to put 4-5 photos for such a SEO. But when it is need other than this you can put as your choice.

2. Write the Alt tag in each of your photos So that your photos will come easily in search engines.

 ##10 Use Keywords in your Blog Post :  Add your target keyword to title, url, post, sub-heading and alt text. One thing to remember is to do it between 2-4% of keywords.

 ##11  Link to yourself or another blog while writing a blog post : This is very beneficial for SEO you can link at least 4-5 posts in a post. You can add a link to your full post or any good post in the link. I.e. the link which does not have any effect on your blog.

I hope you can't to any mistakes to your blog post i request you to share with your friends and bloggers.

Thanks For Reading This Post. 
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