Why CloudFlare Free SSL is Bad for Website - Know Reason ?

Hello I'm Seen that many of Bloggers Can Stop Using CloudFlare SSL and also he can Post the article in her own blogs regarding CloulFlare SSL Service What is the reason for this and after all why would many bloggers can leave CloudFlare Free SSL It will take you 5-10 minutes times to read this post and I hope you have a great experience of CloudFlare SSL.

This Post is Creating by the experience of other Bloggers may be you can face the same problem regarding this same CloudFlare SSL.

After Reading Some Bloggers Article's and Experiences that is many of blogger can face problem with this CloudFlare CDN he says that many time this ssl is not working properly with her blogs so that he can leave CloudFlare SSL.

In this Post I will tell you about cloudflare free ssl plan that does cloudflare free plan really work on Blog. 

Why we can't need to use CloudFlare SSL ? 

1. Slow Server Response Time

Mostly we use Cloudflare for many day and security but the answer to a question that is very painful "Does Really CloudFlare Can Improve the Speed of Blogs ? "

Answer is  yes Cloudflare is the only site that has the ability to upload images, css, script (only for free plan) But he can down your site's Hosting Servers Time For Ex. You can see speed report of your website on Google Page Speed 

According to Google your hosting server must be subject to 200ms of responses. If you have the time of getting your hosting time down then also use of Cloudflare is slow down.

Behalf you can catch you contents with page rule e HTML but by doing you get problem on WordPress Logging Commenting and many more problem on WordPress Settings. 

2.Free SSL Not Working Properly

Cloudflare provides free flexible ssl and if you want to use self certification certificate then you can use it but does not work 100% of the work.

I can use uptime monitor in my site. In the report i can see invalid ssl problem will be created or in the redirection of http to https it can't work properly.

CloudFlare flexible ssl does not support all browsers. So if you want that your blog or website can work properly on all of the other browsers then you can need to use server side ssl that i can use on my blog.

If you install server side sites and set full SSL in the CloudFlare Crypto settings then the speed of your site will be double slow. 

3. Many Spam Comments

Many Blogger says that if we can enable the CloudFlare Free SSL on her Blog Then Spam Comments will Come start but if we can disable the CDN Free SSL then Spam Comment will come but in very low amount.

Many Big Bloggers can discuss within self can realize that spam comment will come with this ssl because many of bloggers are CloudFlare Users Although I can not guarantee it but the problem of spam commenting is made by CloudFlare .

The biggest problem that many bloggers can occurred that is the server names of my CloudFlare account will Changed.

Third issue of these is not very big we can fix this issue with a spam filter plugin like Akismet. But first and second issues make our site Slow Down. If you use a good hosting then use of  CloudFlare do it intentionally slow down your server.

I know CloudFlare is Top Trending CDN and many of blogger can use this on her blog and many of bloggers can't use on her blog. I hope you CloudFlare SSL is Work Properly For You.

I Hope you can Understand that Why CloudFlare Free SSL is Bad Please Share this post with your Friends and Family Members who can work on blog or Website.

Thanks For Reading This Post.
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