5 Best Jobs to Earn Money Online - No Investment From Home

Hello Readers Money is not everything but still in today's time it is one of the most important things and will be in future also. And by staying online we have plenty of opportunities to earn money. However being a newbie many of you may think that online money is real.


Does People Really Earn Money Online ?

Believe that there are so many people who earn a lot of money by working online from home. Today I am about to share with you some easy ways to earn money online. The best part is that it is not restricted to any age group 30 year old house wife and 15 years old school kid or any retired person can choose any option and earn some income from their online work also Bills can be deposited.

Online opportunities are available for various work and income from home and I believe that many of you will see ads like click on ads form filling jobs and earn handsome income. I do not say that all of them are scams but trust many of them are scam. Half of those companies are like hit and run and you will be waiting to check on your doorstep.

There is no such thing as a shortcut for money but yes there are some easy ways like selling things online filling out survey forms and so many things from which you can really earn good money. However whenever you select any of these websites make sure that you read their full review and feedback about online payment otherwise you may be victims of online scam. 

5 Best Jobs to Earn Money Online - No Investment From Home

1. Start your own blog

If you like to write and you can express yourself or your expertise area in the form of writing then blogging or freelance writing is a great option for you.

Blogging is the best way to get started. You can create free blogs on BlogSpot and start earning money by creating an Adsense account. Blogging is not a rocket science and it is one of the easiest ways to increase income and pay some bills.

Remember that traffic changes in payment so you need a great amount of traffic on your blog. You can comment on other reputable blogs and create links with other blog owners to divert a little traffic on your blog. After that paste Google ads on your blog or present an advertising space on your blog.

2. Sell Stuff Online

How often do you go to eBay, olx, quickr Amazon or other types of sites in a month How many times have you seen antique second-hand stuff on sale and that too at a very low price.

Online marketplace is one of the easiest ways to make money without much effort. You only have to find things that you no longer use. It can be anything from your cell-phone, books, electronic appliances to a pin used by your grandmother.

You only need to have good marketing skills (which is like selling sell pitch) taking good images and putting online to sell your item.

Look at the price of things related to it and accordingly make your price competitive. Try to maintain your brand for a long time. You can also take old and old things from your friends or relative site and start selling them. Remember: those things which are not very useful to you they can be useful for many people. Sometimes you get a good price for them.

Register as seller with eBay, Amazon or other types of online marketplace. Remember that you will need a PayPal account or bank account to sell your stuff online. As soon as registering with the dependable online marketplace go ahead and record your belongings to sell.

One more thing if you want to sell your things early keep such price tag for that particular item which is reasonable and someone can buy it.

3.Upload Videos on YouTube

This is one such thing till now which all people can do and make money. How often do you see ads on Youtube videos As long as I did not know about opportunities to make money through YouTube I never knew that a normal user like you and me can also make money by uploading videos on YouTube.

It is not necessary that this is a technical video it can be anything from funny to serious. However the video must be original and you can upload videos to You tube and earn money by using Ad-sense.

Over all the above options making money from YouTube videos was one of the easiest and easiest ways to earn passive income. You do not need to spend too much or buy handy cam or any other gadgets a good smart phone video recorder can work for you.

Just be ready to capture some crazy moment. The women who live at home can think of starting a cookery video show or similar things. If you are good at Yoga, Exercise, you can create your own how to videos and upload them to YouTube and enable ads on them.

4. Online Paid Survey 

This method is the most common among all of us. Now let me tell you how these online surveys work. In this survey Online form is a company of money companies which usually pay for the views and views of internet users about famous products and services.

Some survey companies also send free products and services to try to contestants. If you are looking for an entertaining way of earning money online then think about registering with a trusted company and go ahead.

However do not forget to read TOS (Terms of Condition) before registering for any online survey program. Because many programs accept participants of specific countries like the U.S. or Canada etc.

However I would advise you to be careful or consider it as the last resort to earn money because finding a good paying site for surveys is very difficult and there are many scams involved with paid surveys. 

5. Freelance Writing

I have mentioned above Freelance writing but I am telling it here again because it is different from blogging. If you have good writing skills then you can earn good by becoming a freelance writer and besides this you do not have to face any kind of tech hassle which happens while maintaining the blog. Plus blogging takes time to earn money but freelance writing allows you to pay immediately after the work is done.

You can always find people in your network who are looking for freelance writers or you can also use online sites to find work for freelance writing. Here are two ways you can choose: Expert writing or random topic writing. Either you can write an article based on your expertise.

For example if you are a network administrator in your company then you can write detailed articles based on Network Security and you get very good money for such articles. Or the easy way is that you will be given topics and you need to research it and write an article of 300-1500 words. In the second level you will be given money based on the length and quality of the article.

Here are some sites where you can get Freelance writing jobs:-

1. ContentMart
2. Truelancer

There are unlimited opportunities and options available to you on online platform which you can choose and easily earn money online. Try to stay in an alternative for some time and see which works for you and who does not. One of the most common mistakes that most people do is that they try to work on several options at one go and in this process they never discover the effect of any one option.

For example in this article I have mentioned about Selling stuff, freelance writing, which requires some expertise. But forum posting YouTube videos and surveys are one of the simplest and easiest ways to make money from home.

I hope you will like this earn online money post.

Thanks you for reading this post.
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